Mugger Steals Bingo Winnings and Kills 68-Year-Old Woman

Posted on Mar 23, 2015


This story is so disturbing. A 68-year-old woman, Carole Mudie, had won £25 playing bingo, made it home and was killed by Marvin Blake on her doorstep.

Blake, 38, mugged her, stealing her winnings and she died as a result of a broken femur during the mugging. He admitted to the crime and faces 11 years in prison for manslaughter.

Mudie, who loved bingo and Coronation Street, is survived by her daughter, Cary Healey. She said she felt as if her “heart was ripped out”.

“When he was sentenced to 11 years I was relieved and angry,” she said.

“If it wasn’t for him, Mum would still be here.

“Since then I haven’t grieved properly.

“On the anniversary of Mum’s death I make an effort with my hair and make-up and I smile when I watch Corrie.

“I know she’s looking down on us, willing her friends to get a full house at bingo.

“I try my best because I know that’s what Mum would want.”

All this heart ache is unimaginable and all for £25.

By Glo Wood

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