Rio Bingo is working hard on translating the authentic experience of being in and absorbing Rio de Janeiro to web and they're doing it rather good, to say the least...
...So as summer goes away, let's have one final summery fling and appreciate the memories of Rio – through music and dance!
Flying Down to Rio:
Much like Fred Astaire in the movie, Flying Down to Rio, Rio wants you to move your feet in a joyful manner, even if it is Monday. Because that's when the Monday Moves promo kicks in with the loads of cash to win...
...The 75-ball bingo game gives away £50 in cash on Full House win every Monday at 10 PM, when the game starts. You can join it by purchasing an entry card costing one penny.
The maximum amount of cards one player can buy is 96. The winner will be alerted by the site staff 72 hours after promo ends, at latest.
Bossa Nova is Always Trendy:
The Brazilian brand of smooth, tranquil jazz has many fans, and Bossa Nova Beats is a promotion that is bound to have followers of its own. Tune in each Friday and play hourly games at 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 PM – what better way to start your weekend?
Every game comes with a terrific £1,000 jackpot! The game can be entered for free by anyone who has deposited at Rio Bingo in the last six days.
So as you can see, Brazil's very best comes in bingo form too! Don't forget to check the site's T&C's and definitely enjoy yourself, at this time of year when summer turns to fall.
Comment: Nice one, Rio! I will be there on Friday, that's for sure!
By Andrej Vidovic