This story has been popping up all over and it’s definitely worth telling once more. As bingo players, we all have that special seat in the bingo club that we gravitate to but this story takes it further than anyone could have imagined, at least coming from an 82-year-old man.
Fred Smith of Florida walked into his regular bingo venue at the Lake Ashton Retirement Community Club House and noticed that his chair had been taken.
Ethel Britt was celebrating her 88th birthday with bingo and she happened to take Smith’s spot. He proceeded to go to the parking lot and slashed the woman’s tire on her van with an ice pick.
This was one bingo crime that was caught on video surveillance and police charged Smith with criminal mischief.
Britt told Fox Tampa Bay: "I didn't think anyone would be low enough to do that to my car because I didn't know I had any enemies in my life.
Needless to say, Smith has been banned from returning to bingo.
By Glo Wood