Bingo has a long reputation of erupting the type of anger that can turn violent when a complete innocent stranger takes a regular’s seat.
An elderly gentleman from Florida got pretty fired up after someone took his seat. To seek revenge he went outside and slashed the tires of the woman sitting in his seat. It was all caught on camera Monday night as Ethel Britt, 88 saw her tires destroyed.
“It looked like somebody took an ice pick and slashed both them tires in the same place. I said I wonder who in the world could have done that.” said Ethel Britt.
It happened at the Lake Wales Retirement Home when it was picked up the security camera. The tape showed a man jabbing something into one tire and walk around to the other side of the van and jab another tire.
“I said I know him! That’s Fred!” said Ethel Britt adding:
“I was shocked. I tell ya. I couldn’t believe it was him. I had to see it with my own eyes to believe that guy would have done that because I would never have believed it.”
Fred Smith 82 was arrested for criminal mischief after he admitted the popped Ethel’s tires with an ice pick because she took his favorite bingo seat.
According to Ethel, Fred had no reason to be jealous because she didn’t win big anyway sitting in his chair.
“That’s my problem, I hardly ever win. He wins all the time and when he yells, he yells loud enough to blow your ear drum.”
Unfortunately to add salt to injury she had just purchased new tires for the van right before she went to play bingo at the retirement home.
“I have a hunch, when they find out, he won’t be playing there anymore, so I may not see him again, until we go to court. (laughs)” said Ethel Britt.
By Ava Jackuard