Love it or loathe it, I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here returned to our screens last week and to celebrate its arrival, sponsors Tombola decided to push the boat out in terms of promotions and boy do they know how to pack the cash into some specials! The first major promotion comes in the form of a £20,000 full houses and notice how I say ‘houses’ – yes more than the one! Each night at 10pm, £20K will be won in the Bingo90 room and tickets start at just 10p each!
Now, I’ve seen many people say, “You can’t win unless you max out on tickets!” Let me assure you that this is complete nonsense! You cannot win unless you’re in and incidentally, you can only win a full house on one ticket! Whether you’re playing one ticket at 10p or going all-in at £2, you stand a chance of winning that cash!
Freebie fun with bug, sorry, big cash – that should be Tombola’s strapline until December 4th, because that’s exactly how long you’ve got to take part and win in the new daily free-to-play Bug Match game. A quarter of a million – yep, £250K will be won and you’ve two free chances to play each day: one on Tombola, the other over on the Arcade. In an instant-win style special, you need to match three stomach-wrenching bugs to win anything from £5 to £10K and there’s absolutely no deposit or spend required for this one!
Creeping in Real
There’s been a lot going on over at Tombola HQ these past few weeks, first the arrival of the new Swedish bingo, then some of the Arcade games had a makeover – some even had new titles added and now, there’s a chance to win £5K each day just by entering the ‘5K for Keeps’ draw! To be in with a shot of winning £5,000 in real cash each day, all you need to do is stake £1 between 8pm and 10pm to be in the following day’s draw! It really is as simple as that!
You’re invited to get social with Tombola over on Facebook to win exclusive prizes, get behind-the-scenes gossip on I’m a Celeb as well as being treated to videos on how the resident CM’s get on in their insane challenges. From quizzes to messages on how to keep safe when gambling, memes to instant-style wins, Tombola is THE place to be on Facebook.
During the airing of the show…
…there’s a chance to win one of four £100 prizes by spotting the #tombolabugsontv posts – be quick though, you’ve literally 120-seconds, that’s exactly 2-minutes from the point of posting to get your name in the draw! Include your username too! Winners in each ad-break will be announced shortly after the post closes. You’ll know the posts when you see them because they’re smothered in creepy crawlies!
By Kayleigh39